How to Tell If He or She Really Loves You- 13 Best Tips

How to Tell If He or She Really Loves You: You love this person oh so much, right? Without a doubt you know this is real love. And in saying that, real love too needs to be questioned. Especially if you swear you would do anything for them and see yourself with them forever. This is not to say your relationship is doubtful. In fact why not ask all the questions possible. Both individuals should be alright with this since the other loves you too right? So to make sure he or she really does loves you go along this checklist with its unbiased questions. And see if you this person is what you really want and need.

1. Restrictions

Do you feel like you can’t do certain things? Maybe go to certain places, meet specific people, told to behave properly and dress and look a particular way.  If you said yes to even one of these things, you need to decide if you are ok with this. Being controlled by your love may seem attractive or ultimately you want them to be happy but in the long-run this will be disheartening for you. Where your happiness and dignity is gone and you are only living for someone else.

2. Money

Ok so being pampered is nice for all. But isn’t it a bit too much to be expected to be pampered all the time, especially with money and material things. This can only surely mean they want “all these things only” and it was never about whom you really are – genuinely enjoying your conversation, values, ethics, humor and overall attractiveness. This is sign that something positive needs to be worked out between the two of you or put a stop to altogether.

3. Can Give you Space

Life is definitely more than about being together all the time. Including, being in contact by chatting. Life does continue and for many that also includes equally important things such as school, work, family, friends and personal space. Maybe you already feel it that you love won’t let go for even a minute….feeling suffocated and/or bord? Or are you the one that can’t let go? Then maybe it is you who can’t live life to the fullest? Either way you would need to wonder if this is what life is really about.

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4. Makes Time for You

And on the point of mentioning about clinginess, do also consider loves that don’t spend much time with you at all. If this is the cases for you then what’s the point of being together in the first place. Try to request more time together or if better suited create that time without waiting for them . Talk about it and let them know how you are feeling.

5. Being Intimate

There are two points to be made here. One, not too much and not too little. A balance shows that you love that person. And this doesn’t mean going all the way. Simply gazing into the eyes, the light pat or kiss and hug is all forms of intimacy. And two, when you are ready that they are ok with it and can wait for you. They should never be forcing you to do something you don’t want to do.

6. Can Listen and Value Your Opinion

And this is the key to effective communication and happy relations – when someone is able to stop, listen and consider your opinion. How uplifting is this to your soul. And the complete opposite if you were to be ignored, told to be quite, and talked over and constantly being told you are wrong. Once again such people would feel trapped and under arrest for being themselves. Now that sounds completely wrong.

7. Share the Same Values

It’s really nice to be on the same pages as your love. YOU believe in the same things to life for example, you both may want a family, agree about career paths and other life choices. Share the interests either food, music, crafty, sporty and/or any other. And this can include religious or any other form of lifestyle. There will be more harmony when you feel much more like a team.

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8. Family Matters

Want to be completely satisfied with your love that it is almost given that your family will be happy with your choice. Family matters because they love you dearly and only want the best for you. And maybe likely to see things that you may not see. And it would be great to celebrate special events together and bring about a sense of completeness which humans naturally strive for.

9. Willing to CompromiseThey want to make you happy

You just can’t have everything your way nor anyone else – this is a fact of life, we all need to make sacrifices to live with our partner in the most harmonize manner possible. Is it just you making them? That wouldn’t make you satisfied. Now ask this question. Will your love in all honesty be happy and satisfied too seeing you make all the sacrifices. If they do love you of course they wouldn’t be ok with that.

10. Not Embarrassed with You

Find that your partner wants to change your behavior and the way you look. This you can say is ok considering maybe you are meeting VIP such as the in-laws and/or for a special occasion but as long as you are ok with it too. When reminded you are not perfect for your partner can be quite a drag. You would know your partner cares for you when they not only love your quirks that make you special but also when they make you feel good about yourself rather than feeling worthless.

11. Cares for You

When you are upset no matter how big or small it is your partner should be the one right there by your side. Even if it’s not in their hands to make things alright again, at the very least trying to lift up your spirits. And actions do speak louder than words. You’ll know they are for you when you can notice whenever you are feeling low they too feel low.

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12. Can Open Up to You

Some people have a tendency to bottle up their feeling and thoughts inside for no one to ever know. But this is where love really does make people feel whole. When true love exists your partner wouldn’t help but have the need to share their inner thoughts with you. It can release tension and what’s better grow a stronger bond that no other relationship can immolate.

13. Give and Take Love

And most of all and in which we can summaries the above is that love is express by both equally. No person can be said to be selfish and all can say you are both meant for each other.


Love is hard to know for sure, but there are some signs that can help. If your partner makes you feel good about yourself, listens to you, and is there for you when you need them, then they probably love you. But the only way to know for sure is to ask them. Love is a beautiful thing, so cherish it if you have it.

How to Tell If He or She Really Loves You

Q1: How can I know if my partner loves me?

A: Look for signs like respect, talking openly, and doing things for you. These show real love.

Q2: Why is talking openly important in a relationship?

A: Talking helps you understand each other. It’s important to talk about feelings in a relationship.

Q3: What behaviors show that someone loves you?

A: Someone who respects you, talks openly, and does nice things for you really loves you.

Q4: How do we handle doubts about love in a relationship?

A: Talk about your feelings. It helps you understand each other and make the relationship better.

Q5: Is there a sure way to know if someone loves you?

A: The answer is in their heart, but paying attention to signs can help you understand their feelings better.

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