Fun & Easy Ways to Learn English Faster

Fun & Easy Ways to Learn English Faster: What conjures up in your mind when you hear you need to learn English or any other subject? The usual idea is you sit on your study table for hours, read a big text book and maybe take some notes. Well obviously that doesn’t sound like much fun and it such a burden you don’t want to really do even though you know it is good for you. But here’s some good news, you don’t need to pick up on English like you are at school.

Just look at native speaker they don’t usually go to school until 4-5 years of age and already have a good command over English (and be that of any language). They learnt through play, experimenting, discovering and … through fun. It is as very much as valid as traditionally schooling and when both coincide will help you pick up on English faster than you would.

1-Games and Gaming

Games are fun aren’t they. Ou would be so much involved in trying to win that you don’t realize your English coincidently is improving at the same time.

  • Grab a hold at a few of these games and play as much as you can fit into your week.
  • Board games: Guess who? Ludo, Snake and Ladders, Caram, Monopoly, Charades, Jinga, Scabble
  • Gaming: RPGs, Adventure, online games and children educational games revolved around a story engage you in reading, listening and speaking skills
  • Writing games: nots and crosses, Pictionary
  • Speaking game: truth of dare/lie, 20 Questions, I spy…
  • Like any game there are rules and you guessed it the number one rule here is you can only converse in English. In any other language and you are deducted point and/or out of the game.


Now wait a minute this doesn’t mean reading text books, newspapers, novels and that’s it. Read only what interests you. Sport, makeup and beauty, tech, whatever it maybe, you can find websites, magazines and comics on every topic. And why reading is a great choice? Well you get to  take your time. Read slowly, read it more than once, check out the meaning online all without losing out on understanding what everything actually means.

3-Watch YouTube Videos

YouTube gives you first-hand experience at listening to how native speaker talk and express themselves according to situation and emotions – that of real life and not text book English.

  • Do you have a favourite Actor, watch all their Interview taken in English.
  • Have an interest or hobby (gaming, makeup, parenting, cooking, serial reviews, movie reviews, sports) learn about it in English.
  • Also, most videos don’t have an option for subtitles. People who start out learning can easily get sucked into them become too dependent on them and lose their momentum. The focus is shifted from absorbing the meaning to just plain reading text.
  • You can use the comments section to see how others have respond. You could also try too, and gain feedback on how others may understand you.

4- Social Media

  • Have friends that engage in English, go join in on the fun.
  • If not so much, join groups and pages, there are many communities out their who would love to respond to.
  • And if you have the opportunity, make a connection with a native speaker. It’s a great opportunity for real-time English interaction.

5- The One Minute Speech

Do you know someone that can already communicate in English. If so spend some time talking with them… only a minute at a time. Now here’s the deal with this one minute speak on any topic spontaneously. It can be something light like pens, the colour red or something you enjoy such as food, music or something serious like the news and so on.

The listener will note where you can improve. Then you consider these note the next time you speak. And that’s it. Quick and easy and you know exactly how you can improve. And for those times you feel stuck think of a time when something happened to you because it’s much easier saying something you have actually experienced rather than taking about black and white facts and figures.

6- Watch Sport

Was that just a crazy suggestion, we are a nationation of cricket lovers . Yes or no? 😛 If grasping English is your priority flip over to the English broad casting.

  • Have watching to the cricket, while getting others involved too.
  • These commentators are talented too. It the perfect show case of men and woman from across the globe giving their input. And most of them are quite memorable for their style.

7-Download English Learning Apps

Most of us have our phones on us all the time. And apps are a buzz because you can open just at your finger tips anytime and anywhere.

When searching for apps it’s hard to know what’s one you would actually use. So here are 3 that are highly recommended for beginners to advance and are free to try out.


  • iOS:
  • Android:


  • iOS:
  • Android:

And that was all without attempting to pick any sort of traditionally learning material. Which way would be your favourite? Please let me know in the comments below.

Fun & Easy Ways to Learn English Faster


Q1: What are some fun and easy ways to learn English faster?

A: There are many fun and easy ways to learn English faster. Here are a few ideas:
Play games in English. There are many board games, card games, and video games that are available in English. Playing these games can help you to learn new vocabulary and grammar in a fun and interactive way.
Read books, magazines, and comics in English. Reading can help you to learn new vocabulary and improve your reading comprehension. Choose materials that are interesting to you, so that you’ll be more likely to stick with them.
Watch YouTube videos in English. YouTube is a great resource for learning English. There are videos on every topic imaginable, so you’re sure to find something that interests you.
Use social media in English. Social media can be a great way to connect with native English speakers. Join groups and pages that interest you, and start interacting with people in English.
Listen to music in English. Listening to music in English can help you to improve your listening comprehension and pronunciation. Choose songs that you like, and sing along to them.

Q2: How can I improve my English speaking skills?

A: There are many ways to improve your English speaking skills. Here are a few ideas:
Find a conversation partner. This could be a friend, family member, or tutor. Talk to them in English regularly, and practice using new vocabulary and grammar that you’re learning.
Join a speaking group. There are many speaking groups online and in your community. These groups can provide you with a safe and supportive environment to practice your English speaking skills.
Record yourself speaking. This can help you to identify areas where you need to improve your pronunciation and fluency.
Watch English movies and TV shows. This can help you to get used to the rhythm and intonation of English conversation.

Q3: What are some good English learning apps?

A: There are many great English learning apps available. Here are a few recommendations:
Memrise: This app uses flashcards and spaced repetition to help you learn new vocabulary and grammar.
Duolingo: This app offers a gamified approach to learning English, with short, interactive lessons and rewards for completing challenges.
Babbel: This app offers a comprehensive English course for beginners, intermediate, and advanced learners.
– Hello English: This app offers a variety of learning activities, such as interactive lessons, grammar exercises, and practice conversations.
– Englishpod101: This app offers a variety of English lessons, including podcasts, videos, and vocabulary quizzes.

Q4: How can I make English learning more fun?

A: Here are a few tips on how to make English learning more fun:
Choose materials that are interesting to you. If you’re not interested in what you’re learning, you’re less likely to stick with it.
Find ways to incorporate English into your daily life. This could include watching English movies and TV shows, listening to English music, or reading English books and magazines.
Set realistic goals for yourself. Don’t try to learn too much too quickly. Break your goals down into smaller, more manageable steps.
Reward yourself for your progress. This will help you to stay motivated.

Q5: How long does it take to learn English fluently?

A: There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question. It depends on a number of factors, including your age, motivation, and how much time you’re able to dedicate to learning. However, most experts agree that it takes an average of 4-7 years to reach fluency in English.

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