5 Easy & Quick Yoga Poses for Stress Management

Yoga Poses for Stress Management: Yoga needn’t be something you put so much energy into preparing for. Nor does it require you to conquer complicated moves to reap the full benefits. Even at the end of a busy and tiresome day a quick ten minute session of easy and simple poses can relive you of the days built up stress. Really these may seem a bit too simple to gain any sort of benefit but if done with your entire dedication you won’t look back. So for those who would like a little taste of how yoga feels like and have a spare 10 try out these yoga poses which require no prep and can be done in the comfort of your home.


While going through the motions put emphasis on slow and deep breathing. Also the longer you hold a pose and repeat the greater it effectiveness it will be. For a ten minute session take 2 minute to achieve each pose.

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

The Mountain Pose encourages the body to find its balance thus allowing for greater awareness of your body. And stretches out and relieves tensions from the shoulders, arms and back.

  • Stand with your leg slightly a part and feet flat on the floor
  • With back aligned straight and arms resting comfortable on each side.
  • Stretch out your hands and connect you palms while bringing your fingers together
  • Take a deep breath and stretch your arms slowly up to the sky.
  • And stretch your entire body from toes to head to finger tips.
  • Lift your heels up and balance on your toes (if comfortable)
  • Hold it for around 30 seconds and then slowly bring your heels down.

Standing, Forward Bend (Uttanasana)

This one can be frustrating for a beginner because most won’t be able to touch their toes. But it’s ok, start off by touching your thighs, knee, head towards your shins, ankles and with practice you’ll gradually reach towards your toes. And not to mention greater patients J

  • Stand comfortably with feet hip width a part
  • Knee bent in slightly.
  • Bend over by rolling your sholders
  • As you stretch your arms and hands out
  • Reach as far as you can go.
  • With eye looking ahead
  • Feel the stretch up the back of your thigh and calve muscles

Cat Pose (Marjaryasana) / Cow Pose (Bitilasana)

Helps roll the spine out and elongates an otherwise stiff neck. You may feel pressure on your shoulders, arms and wrist which with practice strengths them.

  • Come down onto your knees and hands
  • Knee under your hips and arms at a shoulder width a part
  • Make sure your back is a flat as a tabletop
  • Roll your spin and pull your stomach and belly button in
  • Allow your head to hand low
  • If you feel too much pressure on your knees place a folded towel underneath for support.
  • For the Cow pose arch your back and lift your head ups
  • Repeat between the Cat and Cow pose as many time as you can.

Child Pose (Balasana)

The child pose emulates that of a child curled up the fetus position. It provides a great stretch for across the entire spine and back. And is commonly used as a resting position for longer and intense yoga sessions. If you feel a little stiff you can rest your head and upper body over a firm pillow or a rolled up blanket. Caution should be taken on the strain of your knees.

  • Get on your hands and knees.
  • Keep your legs and feet together
  • Lower your head down
  • While shifting your button back and
  • Ether placing your forearm on the ground or stretching your arms out

Corpse Pose (Shavasana)

The corpse pose should be done at the end of your yoga routine. You’ll find this pose so relaxing that you may also fall a sleep J .

  • Ly flat on your back with your entire body aligned in a straight line
  • Point your toes and palms of your hands towards the sky.
  • Keep your legs and arms slightly a part
  • Close your eyes and take slow and deep breathes in through the nose
  • No part of your body should feel tensed including muscle, joints and quenched up eyes lids.

A simple stress buster in an otherwise complicated world J . Which pose is your favorite? Let me know in the comments below

Easy & Quick Yoga Poses for Stress Management


Q1: What are some simple yoga poses for stress management that can be done at home?

A1: Some simple yoga poses for stress management that you can do at home include Mountain Pose, Standing Forward Bend, Cat Pose, Child Pose, and Corpse Pose.

Q2: How can I make the most of a 10-minute yoga session to relieve stress?

A2: To maximize the benefits of a 10-minute yoga session for stress relief, focus on slow and deep breathing, spend about 2 minutes on each pose, and ensure full dedication to the practice.

Q3: Can yoga really help reduce stress levels?

A3: Yes, yoga has been shown to effectively reduce stress levels. The combination of physical movement, deep breathing, and mindfulness in yoga can help calm the mind and reduce stress.

Q4: What is the Child Pose, and how does it help relieve stress?

A4: The Child Pose, or Balasana, is a yoga pose that involves sitting back on your heels, lowering your head to the ground, and stretching your arms out in front. It helps relieve stress by providing a gentle stretch for the spine and back and promoting relaxation.

Q5: Is it necessary to be flexible to perform these stress-relieving yoga poses?

A5: No, it’s not necessary to be very flexible to perform these stress-relieving yoga poses. Beginners can start with modified versions of the poses, and with practice, flexibility will improve over time.

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