20 Manners Every Child Should Know

20 Manners Every Child Should Know: Manners are the basic building block to a well-developed personality. And with it goes on to be successful. As parents this is our responsibility and dream to see our children come to fruition. But in reality somehow they seem to slip up some more than other. And frankly those big kids too, also known as adults :/ . Which leaves for an embarrassed parent. And when such bad habits and manners are unattended to it result in an underwhelming personality as they grow up to be adults. Go through this list and see if your child is up to speed with things.

  1. When asking for something ALWAYS say “please” and “thank you”. Within reason they will then gladly do it again for you.
  1. Say “Excuse me” when needing to talk to someone who is looks busy, when you accidently bump into someone, when you really needed to cough, burp or sneeze and when needing to use the bathroom.
  2. When you want to talk to someone but they say “Just a wait a minute”. Wait a minute, they will finish what they are doing like talking to someone and will pinky promise  get back to you. Unless it is an emergency do them so to get their attention quickly and easily.
  3. Ask for permission whenever you want to do something so that your parents know of your whereabouts and what you are doing is safe.
  4. If you don’t like something keep it to yourself or tell you parents quietly. Such situations as eating a meal, the chief has put really effort into making it and would feel sad if you didn’t like it. Or the time you got a bad gift, again it’s really about the thought that counts. Or when that person didn’t look good you will just hurt their feelings.
  5. And when you have to go to someone’s house or sit through a performance or assembly even if its too boring. Don’t say it out a loud and wriggly around instead wait patiently for it to end…it will end.
  6. If you have a compliment let them know the food was delicious, the gift is exactly what you wants and their hair is very pretty. People love to hear compliments.
  7. When talking to some ask them “How they are?” it shows you care about them. And when other ask how you are tell them what you have been doing rather than a simple “I’m good” for a much enjoyable conversation.
  8. When people talk to you turn towards them and look to show you are really listening to them.
  9. When making a phone call greet first then let them know who is speaking, “Hello this is XYX”. Follow with a request in asking who you’d like to speak to “May I please speak to XYZ”.
  10. Knock on the door and only enter when someone says so. And on leaving closed the door behind you. At all time be it at school and home.
  11. Saying more than a simple “Thank you” will make other feel wonderful you cared sooooo much especially on receiving a gift. If suited the old fashion way with a thank you note, even popping in a piece of your art is a nice touch. Or make a habit of recording a video message to say thanks for another nice touch sing a song, poem or a fun dance.
  12. You will only hurt people when you call others by mean names. It doesn’t make you better than them. The same goes for teasing and making fun of them.
  13. Clean up after yourself like that of when done playing with your toys and after eating putting your dirty dishes in the kitchen.
  14. Cover your month when you cough or sneeze preferably into your inner elbow than your hands (because you then tend to touch other things). And picking your nose is too groose.
  15. There is no need for foul language. They are dirty and you are a prince/princess. (Suggesting to children they have high standards and are better than that).
  16. When going through a door, open the door for those who are behind you.
  17. When parents ask you to do something, do it without complaining. It will only last a short amount of your time and they will feel proud of for being too good.
  18. If you see someone busy with a chore or project offer if you can help, “Do you need some help with that?”. Join in to make people feel welcome, you could enjoy it or even find out something new.
  19. Use your utensils and napkin correctly, set the table, be a good host and have good table manners.

    Have something on your mind? Let me know in the comments below.

20 Manners Every Child Should Know


Q1: Why is it important to say “Excuse me” in various situations?

A: Saying “Excuse me” is important to maintain politeness and show consideration for others, especially when needing to talk to someone busy, accidentally bumping into someone, or having to cough or sneeze.

Q2: How can I politely get someone’s attention when they say, “Just wait a minute”?

A: You can politely wait for them to finish their current task or conversation and patiently ask if they can get back to you. Unless it’s an emergency, giving them a moment is courteous.

Q3: Why should I ask for permission when doing something?

A: Asking for permission is essential to keep your parents informed about your activities and ensure your safety. It also shows respect for their authority and concern for your well-being.

Q4: How should I handle situations where I don’t like something?

A: If you don’t like something, it’s best to keep your feelings to yourself or express your dissatisfaction quietly. This avoids hurting someone’s feelings, especially in cases like receiving a gift or during a meal.

Q5: Why is it important to show appreciation when receiving compliments?

A: Showing appreciation when receiving compliments makes the other person feel valued and cared for. Going beyond a simple “Thank you” with a personal touch, like a thank-you note or a video message, enhances the positive impact.

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