10 Traits of People Who are Mentally Strong

Traits of People Who are Mentally Strong: Our mental strength is what gets us through difficult times. The stronger you are the more chance you can come out of these times less unscathed. Which is great, it means you’ll never feel stressed out and feel the need to quit. This will surely come in handy when you face competitive exams, office demands, family responsibilities and enduring your exercise schedule,  just to name a few of life challenges. In this article find out what is means to be mentally strong and how you can live a much more happier and successful life.

1. Keeps Calm

10 Traits of People Who are Mentally Strong

Though we hate it at some point of our life we’ll be facing adversities in which all we want to do is scream and shout. Though mentally strong people know this behaviors is only reserved for adolescents. Instead they are capable are keeping calm even in the most heats moments. They either don’t physically feel the stressed which could have included feeling hot and sweaty, shakiness and nausea.  Or they have learnt how to overcome it with a few stress management strategies.

If you feel the need you too can learn them. Read our “Building Confidence and Self-Esteem-A Handy Guide” article by clicking here.

2. Don’t Take Things Personally

Someone will always have an opinion about you. Your mother thinks of you as an angle, a stranger only need to glance at you and your boss always seems to see the bad in your work. You can never change their thoughts and actions but you can surely change the way you think about them. Rather than taking it to heart the mentally strong find logic behind the words. That stranger is only a stranger. And the boss is not picking on you personally, instead s/he only wants to see you and the company’s grow.

Find it hard to take critiques. Read our “What is Self-Improvement? A Journey to Personal Growth” for some useful tips, click here for more.

3. Self-Motivated


10 Traits of People Who are Mentally Strong

How much you really want anything in life establishes your level of self-motivation. The more you sincerely want is the more determined you are. Most of us have felt motivated in the past, especially in the beginning stages of any task. However, the mentally strong are consistently motivated until the end and thus often meet positive results. There are many things that help us stay motivated that of a good, a goal, a plan, support system, achieving small successes along the way and reflection.

4. Productive Attitude

The world can look like a cruel place to live in. because of this many of us have fallen into a habit of negative thoughts. Ones of self-doubt, worry and fear can consume our minds all day long that we end up not focusing on truly living. For the mentally strong they don’t have time for these thoughts. Positive thinking is commonly used to gain focus, build confidence, use their strengths, help through the set-backs and most importantly get you one step closer to whatever you want. It’s much better than being stagnant or living in the past.

For more on “What Do People Judge You Most On?” click here.

5. Expectations Are In-Check

A major factor of mentally strong people is that their expectations are never crushed. Since the results of high expectation can cause the risk of losing everything you thought you had, which, in turn, will lower your mental strength. Therefore, they good at assuming a variety of possibilities as to not be disappointed. And most importantly before reacting to it.

6. Flexible/Adaptable

Human naturally want to control everything in their hands. They have their life planned out. Though, as you may know it’s not always the case at all. Thus, mentally strong people have come to terms with this. They do have their plans of their own yet, allow for change when needed. And when they are often not unexpected they are able to react efficiently. Such as, making quick decisions, use plan B, C or D if needed and simply just go with the flow.

7. Content

Also there is no room for comparisons and jealously. It will always seem you are last in everything. And you’ll find that you are chasing an endless competition. Hence, mentally strong people are content with what they have material wise and also things that don’t cost the world like that of family. Moreover, they are happy with ‘negative’ experiences because those too can play an important and positive role in your life. For example, you are not rich money wise however rich in love. In a sense being content is not only being happy with what you have achieved it is also about focusing on your own improvement to get ahead

8. Empathetic

Being mentally strong doesn’t mean you don’t care for anything, be it what others say and how avoiding what you feel. It is instead very much the opposite. Another trait is that of being empathetic. And a skill very much needed for this is listening, not only at the words and sentences but being aware of the meaning behind them, listening to how it was said (such as, sad or happy voice) and try to makes out what messages at sometimes hidden. The same goes for them, they are able to express themselves shamelessly in the inappropriate moment. Which in turn help build stronger relationships and manage their won feeling and thoughts well.

9. Tolerant

10 Traits of People Who are Mentally Strong

No one and no situation frazzles mentally strong people. You could be of some different nationally, have a thick accent and do things different and still not confuse them entirely. Rather they would try to solve the issue with communication. And they could be sitting in a noisy and crowded room, tired and still able to do their work. Nothing just gets in their way and distracts them to the point of leaving their focus and work.

10. Has High-Standards

It can be tempting to settle for less than what you initially wanted but that is never the case for mentally strong people. They are willing to work further to achieve their own higher goals.

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10 Traits of People Who are Mentally Strong

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